On Tue, Jan 8, 2013 at 6:40 AM, Kevin Chadwick <ma1l1i...@yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I installed Virtualbox 2.2.4 and everything is 100%.
> You hope so but make it clear if you ever hit problems that you are not
> on bare metal as bug reports have been looked at and been found to be
> the fault of Virtualbox in the past with Theo commenting on their forum
> that he couldn't believe any OS would allow what it was doing with
> memory. I didn't speak up because others have said it's fixed, I wonder
> now if it is just the VT-X that fixed Virtualbox.

Also, Windows XP (which the original poster is using) is very old, and
very close to end-of-life. Hosting virtualization on it, for an
inherited non-commercial project which Oracle inherited from Sun, is
unlikely to be a long-term stable solution for anything, especially on

Not that Virtualbox is bad, I use it extensively myself for personal
virtualization. But it means that he should make sure that his disk
images are compatible with other vortia;ozatopm tpp;s, and that his
backups of his OpenBSD system or of the disk image are working well,
in case VirtualBox fails with new releases and he needs to host it

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