frantisek holop's answer is the most logical yet:


i seem to recall reading in some RFC or maybe in
one of the stevens books that these services are
required for a "server".  i look at it as being
a good internet neighbour, a bit like "can you tell
me the time please" when someone stops you on the street...

p.s.: I created a bounty for this question on the stackexchange site.
p.s.2: @Jeremie Courreges-Anglas: are you ok bro'? didn't got your pills?

2013/1/6 Lars Hansson <>:
> ntpd and sshd are only running if you enabled them when installing. For the
> rest, just turn off inetd.
> Why are they enabled by default? Search the mailing lists, it has been
> asked and answered before.
> ----
> Lars

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