I installed an OpenBSD 5.2 using "-* & +etc* & +base* & +bsd".

Can someone tell my why are these:

egrep -i '^time|^daytime|^ident|comsat' /etc/inetd.conf
    ident          stream  tcp     nowait  _identd /usr/libexec/identd
    identd -el
    ident          stream  tcp6    nowait  _identd /usr/libexec/identd
    identd -el dgram udp     wait    root    /usr/libexec/comsat
    [::1]:comsat   dgram   udp6    wait    root    /usr/libexec/comsat
    daytime                stream  tcp     nowait  root    internal
    daytime                stream  tcp6    nowait  root    internal
    time           stream  tcp     nowait  root    internal
    time           stream  tcp6    nowait  root    internal
    daytime        dgram   udp     wait    root    internal
    daytime        dgram   udp6    wait    root    internal
    time           dgram   udp     wait    root    internal
    time           dgram   udp6    wait    root    internal

important in the default install to be enabled? With this the KISS
principle is not followed...

Please read the thread in the:


if further comments needed.

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