Last chance to not mix up the problem. So I see the following problems:

1. Search engine for the official site.
Search should be available by simple actions: text entry and one-click (or 
Search results from the official website should lead to also official responses.
All results on this page
are located in the domain, their text looks correct. Without 
special knowledge,
no one can determine their relevance to real life.
If I had special knowledge, then would not have used the search. 
Someone does not agree?

2. The configuration file contains a partially working code, a description of 
which is
now removed from documentation, but remained in the old records.
Maybe someone still uses these undocumented features, it is easy to anticipate
the flow of questions, when these features will be removed.

Presence of undocumented features, and the ability to get two or more "correct"
answer to the same question, in my opinion, is not consistent with the spirit
of secure and reliable system, which described on main page and

That is all.
Good luck

28.10.2012, 10:35, "Tomas Bodzar" <>:

>  On Sun, Oct 28, 2012 at 6:37 AM, Mike Korbakov <> wrote:
>>   Thanks, but my question is not how to run a NFS server.
>>   I just wanted to report about garbage in the code and web pages.
>  No. Code and web pages are clear. You just used tips outside of the
>  project which are not valid which is fail of that people and not
>  OpenBSD.
>>   By the way, I did search through the form on official website of OpenBSD.
>  That form uses Google of course, not some own OpenBSD search engine.
>  But even with that
>  it returns correct page on first place
>>   Therefore, claims to google are baseless.
>>   All documentation that I referred to is made by people who have a direct 
>> bearing on OpenBSD.
>  Translators are NOT official part of OpenBSD project in a mean that
>  they don't have address and so on. What's more those
>  which are not able to keep translations actual are removed and their
>  translated pages from official ones as well (of course that they are
>  in CVS). Blaming OpenBSD just because Google is not able to maintain
>  their search engine database up to date is at least weird :-)
>>   I hope that anyone would ever find time for a little cleaning.
>>   Propose to close the topic, since debugging scripts is purely technical 
>> work.
>  Yep, better to close topic as all 4 official FAQs (cs, de, fr, nl) are
>  ok for this. As well as and
>  related man pages.
>  NFS works just fine, but if you want to debug it regarding rc stuff
>  just read man rc.d and look for -d option
>>   28.10.2012, 08:26, "Tomas Bodzar" <>:
>>>   On Sat, Oct 27, 2012 at 11:15 PM, Mike Korbakov <> 
>>> wrote:
>>>>    Seems, authors rc.conf forgotten (or did not for some reason) to load 
>>>> portmap when nfs_server is marked on.
>>>>    Or nfsd now works without portmap ?
>>>>    (rc.conf unchanged: $OpenBSD: rc.conf,v 1.167 2012/04/01 18:32:51 
>>>> deraadt Exp $)
>>>>    # uname -a
>>>>    OpenBSD obsd52x64.vm.mike-i7.kmv 5.2 GENERIC.MP#5 amd64
>>>>    # cat /etc/rc.conf.local
>>>>    nfs_server=YES
>>>   $ cat /etc/rc.conf | grep -i nfs
>>>   nfsd_flags=NO                   # for normal use: "-tun 4" and see nfsd(8)
>>>   unset kpasswdd_flags nfsd_flags mountd_flags lockd_flags
>>>   : ${nfsd_flags=$([ X"${nfs_server-NO}" = XYES ] && echo "-tun 4" || echo 
>>> NO)}
>>>   : ${mountd_flags=$([ X"${nfs_server-NO}" = XYES ] || echo NO)}
>>>   $
>>>   Where did you come for nfs_server=YES ???????
>>>>    # grep -rn nfsd /var/log/*
>>>>    /var/log/daemon:55:Oct 27 18:01:03 obsd52x64 nfsd[11977]: can't 
>>>> register with udp portmap
>>>>    /var/log/daemon:107:Oct 28 00:15:07 obsd52x64 nfsd[10408]: can't 
>>>> register with udp portmap
>>>>    /var/log/messages:371:Oct 28 00:15:07 obsd52x64 nfsd[10408]: can't 
>>>> register with udp portmap
>>>>    # rpcinfo -p
>>>>    rpcinfo: can't contact portmapper: RPC: Remote system error - 
>>>> Connection refused
>>>>    P.S. searching by google gives strange result for keyword "nfs_server":
>>>>    I'm not guessed to look for the answer in the documentation in Chinese.
>>>>    Information from outdated because recommends edit rc.conf
>>>   Can't see Chinese or as official here in left upper corner
>>> . Following bad advice from wild Internet or
>>>   most of the unmaintained unofficial pages about OpenBSD will lead to
>>>   predicted results -> fail

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