On Sun, Oct 28, 2012 at 12:10 AM, Mike Korbakov <mike-...@yandex.ru> wrote:
> I tried follow Russian doc http://www.openbsd.ru/docs/steps/nfs.html
> Please, read google results, especially "Chinese" 
> http://www.openbsd.org/faq/zh/faq6.html#NFS
> In any case, the presence of partially working or non-working code in startup 
> scripts
> is not a good situation.
> 28.10.2012, 01:58, "Robert Peichaer" <rob...@peichaer.org>:
>> On Sun, Oct 28, 2012 at 01:15:56AM +0400, Mike Korbakov wrote:
>>>  Seems, authors rc.conf forgotten (or did not for some reason) to load 
>>> portmap when nfs_server is marked on.
>>>  Or nfsd now works without portmap ?
>>>  (rc.conf unchanged: $OpenBSD: rc.conf,v 1.167 2012/04/01 18:32:51 deraadt 
>>> Exp $)
>>>  # uname -a
>>>  OpenBSD obsd52x64.vm.mike-i7.kmv 5.2 GENERIC.MP#5 amd64
>>>  # cat /etc/rc.conf.local
>>>  nfs_server=YES
>>>  # grep -rn nfsd /var/log/*
>>>  /var/log/daemon:55:Oct 27 18:01:03 obsd52x64 nfsd[11977]: can't register 
>>> with udp portmap
>>>  /var/log/daemon:107:Oct 28 00:15:07 obsd52x64 nfsd[10408]: can't register 
>>> with udp portmap
>>>  /var/log/messages:371:Oct 28 00:15:07 obsd52x64 nfsd[10408]: can't 
>>> register with udp portmap
>>>  # rpcinfo -p
>>>  rpcinfo: can't contact portmapper: RPC: Remote system error - Connection 
>>> refused
>>>  P.S. searching by google gives strange result for keyword "nfs_server":
>>> http://www.google.com/search?q=%22nfs_server%22&domains=www.openbsd.org&sitesearch=www.openbsd.org&btnG=Search
>>>  I'm not guessed to look for the answer in the documentation in Chinese.
>>>  Information from openbsd.ru outdated because recommends edit rc.conf
>> Following the steps described in the FAQ results in a working nfs
>> server.  http://www.openbsd.org/faq/faq6.html#NFS

As you can see on that page it's in English not in Chinese so it's
good mark that something is not as it's supposed to be. Going to
http://www.openbsd.org/faq/zh/index.html and looking at section 4.
(installation of OpenBSD) you can see that they are talking about 4.8,
but actual version is now 5.1 Bug Busters (faq in EN or other
translated languages is modified to that theme) and 1.11. there will
be 4.2 (may take some time for updates of translations to reach web).
That's exactly in line what I said in previous email and what is
visible on www.openbsd.org, that Chinese is not between
official/supported pages now because outdated and so on, that's why
not marked "visible". Of course that Google doesn't know about it (one
of the good reason to not trust Google) and servers you history not

This one is much more better https://duckduckgo.com/?q=OpenBSD+NFS
even that it returns on first place link to Theo's server, but still
better result then from Google and is quite similar for other search
engines http://www.ask.com/web?q=OpenBSD+NFS&search=&qsrc=0&o=0&l=dir

>> -=[rpe]=-

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