On Tue, Oct 09, 2012 at 12:40:56AM +1000, David Diggles wrote: > I'm interested in hearing about peoples experiences with spam filtering the > spam > emails that make it through to misc.
There are a few strings common in the spam that hits OpenBSD lists which are unlikely to be found in good messages. And since even legitimate messages are bulk, I don't feel bad deleting occasional false positives. X-Mailer: PHP/4.3 [IMAGE] X-Mailer: SmartSend X-Mailer: SendBlaster nuestras listas CAN-SPAM And a few others. Check your mail and decide for yourself. I also delete mail with a Reply-To: at hotmail or yahoo. You could possibly also nuke X-Converted-To-Plain-Text: from text/html by demime 1.01d Who sends html email to a technical list? Spammers and FAQ posters. > I started working on something to check for word count % of words in an email, > from /usr/share/dict/words to detect english-ness. It does work well but has > it > already been one elsewhere? Good idea, but maybe more work than necessary. It'll probably flag submitted patches and you'd have to teach it lots of words. Just searching for a few simple strings, spam is no longer hitting my inbox. As an aside, it's nice to see someone addressing a problem that's within their realm of control rather than complaining about it to the list. Nicolai