I dont know what link your read, but http://www.openbsd.org/52.html give me at the end your answer to your question.
The system includes the following major components from outside 
Xenocara (based on X.Org 7.7 with xserver 1.12.2 + patches, freetype 
2.4.10, fontconfig 2.8.0, Mesa 7.10.3, xterm 279, xkeyboard-config 2.6 
and more)
Gcc 4.2.1 (+patches), 3.3.5 (+ patches) and 2.95.3 (+ patches)
Perl 5.12.2 (+ patches)
Our improved and secured version of Apache 1.3, with SSL/TLS and DSO support
Nginx 1.2.2 (+ patches)
OpenSSL 1.0.0f (+ patches)
SQLite 3.7.13 (+ patches)
Sendmail 8.14.5, with libmilter
Bind 9.4.2-P2 (+ patches)
NSD 3.2.11
Lynx 2.8.7rel.2 with HTTPS and IPv6 support (+ patches)
Sudo 1.7.2p8
Ncurses 5.7
Heimdal 0.7.2 (+ patches)
Arla 0.35.7
Binutils 2.15 (+ patches)
Gdb 6.3 (+ patches)
Less 444 (+ patches)
Awk Aug 10, 2011 version



Le 2012-09-05 14:15, Mik J a écrit :

The web page
"Added nginx(8), an
HTTP server, reverse proxy server and mail proxy server. "
Does it mean that
Apache 1.3 will be removed from the default install ?
Thank you

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