----- Mail original -----
> De : Nick Holland <n...@holland-consulting.net>
The web page
>>  http://www.openbsd.org/52.html says
>>  "Added nginx(8), an
HTTP server, reverse proxy server and mail proxy server. "
>>  Does it mean
that Apache 1.3 will be removed from the default install ?
>>  Thank you
someday, perhaps.  Maybe even probably.  OpenBSD developers don't
> generally
like to maintain two competing products in the tree, so I
> think the writing
is on the wall for Apache 1.3, and we all know later
> versions are not going
into the tree.
> Removed in 5.2? no.  It is still in -current (which is
quite post-5.2
> now), which isn't hard for you to confirm.
> Nick.

you for this clarification.

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