Rudolf Leitgeb wrote:

> For 15+ years I read these regular Cassandra calls that this and that
> "innovation" will kill free operating systems on commodity hardware,
> remember Adaptec SCSI controllers, 3D video cards, I2O, trusted
> computing and whatever the "feature of the day" is called.

It very confusing to tell what is "free" in this times. OK, not so
hard, OpenBSD is a standard when it comes about real free meaning, I
can;t complain. But you see, what to do with Linux world, it is
already full of not so free (blobs) stuff.

The OSes were not killed, but the possibility to use that specific
hardware, yes, it was killed. Not many people can say they are using
Adaptec controllers or graphic acceleration on OpenBSD. Of course, it
is not OpenBSD team fault and it is not a dead end.

> For some reason or another these apocalypses never materialize,
> increasingly due to the fact that free operating systems are a major
> factor in the server world, and a manufacturer trying to exclude them
> will lose business both in the short run and long term. There are few
> threats to server manufacturers worse than "Ok, I'll hang on to my old
> hardware then until it either falls apart or until this is resolved".

I'm really curious, how much a manufacturer is thinking about free
operating system when a new product is designed or released. I'm not
an ignorant, I just don't have access to this kind of infomation.

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