> What do you mean by "running in blacklist mode" ? > Which settings are different from Grey trapping ? > Are Openbsd mailing list the only list or mail you have problems with ? > > /Hasse
By blacklist mode, I mean this: spamd -b spamd-setup -b pf.conf: table <spamd> persist pass in on egress proto tcp from <spamd> to any port smtp \ rdr-to port spamd The OpenBSD mailing list was not the only smtp server I was having problems with. Others included: 1. test email from my work account 2. business email from a wholesaler I have been organising purchase with For sake of 2. I need to play safe for the time being, and suffer a few extra incoming spams a day. Once I have that sorted out, I will be ready to try greylisting again.