Thanks for also replying directly.  Since I cleared <nospamd>
override table in pf, I am no longer receiving emails from misc.

> >I wasn't receiving email, from and also from my
> >work email address, until I added the respective smtp servers to
> >the whitelist table in pf.
> >I could see them in the greylist when I typed spamdb.
> And how many attempts were listed?  Was there any whitelist entries
> when you checked?  How long had it been since the email was sent and
> you still hadn't received it?

Some emails did not get through at all.  I didn't check for whitelist
entries or number of attempts at the time.

> >Yes. I did misunderstand the spamd log entry about deletion.
> >Though I would not bother playing with settings if the expected
> >emails were being received.
> The default graylist settings are almost certainly the only thing
> definitively not causing your problems.  And the way you tweaked
> them were more likely to completely break things.

Ok, I have returned the greylist settings to default now and I will
go through the pf log and try find out why is
once again not making it to my inbox.

> >I will go ahead and flush the spamdb database, and the pf tables
> >and start over with default everything, no whitelist pf entries.
> That almost certainly will *not* help.  The only real entries that
> cause problems are TRAPPED entries.  GREY entries mean the sender is
> partway through getting whitelisted.  If you delete the entries, you
> set them back to square one.  And since they have been backing off
> on trying, the odds are much greater that the sending side will give
> up.

I am not trying to "help", I am reproducing the problem by reverting
to the original conditions.  Now it's the weekend, I have time to spend
on solving it.

> >This time I will sit on my hands and wait.  Maybe I was not
> >being patient enough.
> With greylisting, that is usually the case.  Once it has been
> running for a while, most things have no delays, but until a sender
> has been whitelisted by getting through the greylisting process, you
> will have probably an hour delay.

I restarted spamd and flushed all the pf tables almost 10 hours ago now.
Still nothing from

> >When you say I misconfigured my setup, what do you mean?
> >What else is there to spamd other than adding it to rc.conf.local
> >and a few pf rules?
> The pf rules are important.  You get them wrong and it doesn't work.

The spamd pf rules I am using are simply uncommented from the
default OpenBSD pf.conf file.

I will audit pf rules and ensure I don't have other rules interfering
with spamd.

> >Seriously though, if I have to keep manually adding smtp servers
> >to a whitelist, I will run in blacklist only mode.
> Generally you don't need to, but there *are* misbehaving setups out
> there, and if you never monitor your email server, they won't get
> through.
> A quick google search turns up
>, which can help you
> pre-populate entries if you can't be bothered.

Thanks for googling that one for me.

I must have a misconfiguration.

My apologies for dumping on the list, wasting peoples time etc.

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