Anyway I have decided on this:

Atom 1.8GHz, 3 x Intel 82583V Gigabit NICs.

3 of them, to replace the geodes.  I have an 8 core Xeon to replace
the Pentium 4 with also.

Then I certainly should get the 100Mbps throughput and not
need to upgrade hardware for the next few years! :-)

On Thu, May 24, 2012 at 04:51:40PM +1000, David Diggles wrote:
> Looks decent, but I'm looking for something fanless to replace
> the 3 fanless geodes currently in use.
> To put it all in better context, here is the current setup:
> [ ==== denotes default inbound redirection of trafic, "dmz server" ]
>    internet    +----OpenBSD---+
> (30/1M pppoe)--| geode 300Mhz |---(802.11g)
>                +-------+------+       .      +----OpenBSD------+
>                       ||              . . . .|  Atom Netbook   |
>                 (100M switch)                |trunk0 wired/wifi|
>                       ||                     +-----------------+
> +--+------------------++=======+-------OpenBSD-------+
> |  |                           |      P4 2.4Ghz      |
> |  |  +---OpenBSD----+         |  transparent squid  |
> |  |  | geode 300Mhz |         | samba, rsync backup |
> |  +--|carp0    carp1|-----+   | sendmail mx, spamd  |
> |     +------+-------+     |   +----+----------------+
> |            |             |        |
> |         (pfsync)      (Gigabit switch)
> |            |             |        |
> |     +---OpenBSD----+     |       . \
> |     | geode 300Mhz |     |      /   .---------------+
> +-----|carp0    carp1|-----+      | office environment|
>       +-------+------+            | mac, printer, etc |
>                                   +-------------------+
> On Thu, May 24, 2012 at 01:11:40PM +0800, Justin Jereza wrote:
> > > I'm not expert here but atoms from supermicro are nice,
> > > you get IPMI too. Also henning@ said good words about it :)
> > 
> > I second this. Been using two
> >
> > for the past 8 months now for load balancing, LACP, VLANs, failover,
> > and a bunch of other stuff. You lose the IPMI when trunk is enabled
> > though since it's just a shared port.

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