On 05/14/12 23:09, Daniel Melameth wrote:
On Mon, May 14, 2012 at 6:00 AM, Ralph Ellis<ralphell...@netscape.ca>  wrote:
As a relative newcomer to Openbsd, I decided to write a review of the 5.1
release for Distrowatch.com from a desktop user's perspective.
Openbsd has come a long way in terms of improved hardware support and ease
of setup and my experience has been very positive.

The review is at:

FWIW, I believe your Brother printer will emulate PostScript OOTB--and
OpenBSD, and most UNIXes, supports this natively.  All I needed to do
to print to my Brother printer at home is start lpd add the following
to /etc/printcap:

# Brother HL-5370DW
rp|brother|brotherhl-5370dw|remote line printer:\

Hi Daniel,
Does this method require that I be connected via a parallel port? My computer does not have a parallel port. For some reason, even though dmeg sees the printer at ulpt0, I could not get cups to see the printer connected to my usb port. I remembered that KDE3 has a effective utility for scanning for network printers and so I switched to an ethernet connection. The HL-5170DN printer handles postscript quite well but I find that printing is faster with the CUPS+Gutenprint driver for some reason.
Thanks for the sample printcap file.
Ralph Ellis

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