On 05/03/2012 07:04 PM, frantisek holop wrote:
hi there,
here is the dmesg for a spanking new acer aspire one D270 netbook.
installation was easy and fast.
devices not supported (yet):
intel integrated video,
BCM4313 (probably gonna replace with an iwn)
there is a curious ehci0 timeout..
the 6 cell battery is supposed to give 8h, so would be a nice
long haul netbook :]
OpenBSD 5.1-current (GENERIC.MP) #253: Thu Apr 26 01:45:24 MDT 2012
"Broadcom BCM4313" rev 0x01 at pci2 dev 0 function 0 not configured
I have an HP Pavilion-1 4010dm-US with that chip in it. Even the Penguin
doesn't have a working driver. The only thing I was able to make work on
it was the Broadcom binary blob. Your plan for another interface sounds
Geoff Steckel