On Wed, Mar 7, 2012 at 9:23 AM, Dennis den Brok <d.den.b...@uni-bonn.de> wrote:
> On 2012-03-07, Raimo Niskanen <raimo+open...@erix.ericsson.se> wrote:
>> I just want to defend the OP a wee bit.
>> Most installers I have encountered; Linux, FreeBSD, ... have a
>> very pronounced confirmation question just before making irreversible
>> changes to the target disk. Especially the ones that start by
>> collecting configuration information and then do the installation
>> in one pass without user interaction (SuSE comes to mind),
>> which the OpenBSD installer nowdays does more than in the past...
>> So I think a pronounced confirmation question before touching the disk
>> is not a bad thing. It is what many would expect.
> As there seems to be much resistance to one more (redundant) question
> in the installer, I suggest to add a simple message to that part
> of the installer, as in
> "(Choosing 'whole disk' will become effective immediately.)"
> or even
> "Use (W)hole disk (writes to disk immediately) or (E)dit the MBR? [whole]"
> While the FAQ is indeed clear, the installer's simplicity appears
> at that point a little deceptive, in that one (I know I was) is
> tempted to think that such a user-friendly installer would not harm
> one so easily...
> --
> Dennis den Brok

http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.os.openbsd.tech/28213 <-- Yay Patch!

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