On 2012-02-22, Stuart Henderson <s...@spacehopper.org> wrote:
> On 2012-02-21, Hassan Monfared <hmonfa...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> have you tried to set some tuning options in pf.conf & sysctl.conf ?
>> eg:
>> for sysctl.conf:
>> net.inet.ip.ifq.maxlen=512     # Maximum allowed input queue length
>> (256*number of physical interfaces)
>> kern.bufcachepercent=90        # Allow the kernel to use up to 90% of the
>> RAM for cache (default 10%)
>> net.inet.udp.recvspace=131072 # Increase based on your memory
>> net.inet.udp.sendspace=131072 # Increase based on your memory
>> ddb.panic=0                    # do not enter ddb console on kernel panic,
>> reboot if possible , this reduces headache
> These have nothing to do with state overflow

> (except raising bufcachepercent will leave less space for states..)

it was pointed out offlist that this may be incorrect, the theory is
that it should shrink when you need the space; that said it won't help
anyway and if for some reason it doesn't shrink you'll have problems.

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