On 2012-02-21, Hassan Monfared <hmonfa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> have you tried to set some tuning options in pf.conf & sysctl.conf ?
> eg:
> for sysctl.conf:
> net.inet.ip.ifq.maxlen=512     # Maximum allowed input queue length
> (256*number of physical interfaces)
> kern.bufcachepercent=90        # Allow the kernel to use up to 90% of the
> RAM for cache (default 10%)
> net.inet.udp.recvspace=131072 # Increase based on your memory
> net.inet.udp.sendspace=131072 # Increase based on your memory
> ddb.panic=0                    # do not enter ddb console on kernel panic,
> reboot if possible , this reduces headache

These have nothing to do with state overflow (except raising
bufcachepercent will leave less space for states..)

> for pf.conf :
> set optimization aggressive

May possibly help (or you can set state limits per-rule; *very*
tight ones might be appropriate for the attack traffic).

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