On Tue, Jan 31, 2012 at 5:16 AM, Lars <nore...@z505.com> wrote:
> If someone is considering doing openbsd ports for raspberry pi devices,
> they might want to look at freebsd as a starting point, instead of linux.
> But it doesn't look that great, lots of undocumented crap with pi:
> http://lists.freebsd.org/pipermail/freebsd-hackers/2011-November/036754.html
> I don't know what happened ultimately with freebsd and raspberry pi, that
> is an old post from 2011 so it could be more progress or not.


It's called viral marketing, PR, social crap whatever. Raspberry Pi
foundation claims something about support for schools and
blahblahblah, but in fact was created but one of engineers of
Broadcom. It's just test bed for their proprietary crap or vendor lock
in via children and a way how to lower taxes via charity organization
without real charity.

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