At 03:59 PM 1/18/2012, you wrote:
Wait - so there's an issue that you have identified, with help from members on this list ? And you're refusing to divulge the exact details that would probably help resolve the problem in future OpenBSD releases ?
Of course, an exposition was to be expected, ... an off topic one that proves that you don't read what I posted!
If you check the rest of the thread, you will see that I did post the exact cause; more details I will not provide as what's there is sufficient to describe the problem and any *more* detail would just be flame fodder.
That's a great thank you to all those people that helped you, Lee, especially the ones you don't mention by name here below. Just great.
Well, if you DO want credit, thanks for the wisdom hidden after the exegis! (I do not name names without permission, *especially* on this list.)
Good that you have at least taken the time and effort to make us reread your own little flame (in all caps, because that helps so much to bring the message across).
Confirmed - thanks! Lee