On Jan 11, 2012, at 4:08 PM, L. V. Lammert wrote:

> On Wed, 11 Jan 2012, Philip Guenther wrote:
>>> Agreed, .. but if locate.update does NOT run as root, that would seem to
>>> indicate some problem other than permissions.
>> If you're saying what I think you're saying, then I disagree and think
>> your logic is backwards.
>> What user do you think locate.updatedb is run as?
> If it does not run as root, then it isn't a permission issue as running as
> root provides all required permissions, eh?


"if it does not run as root. . . running as root provides. . ."??

To put it bluntly, if updatedb runs as root, it has all possible permissions.
If updatedb does NOT run as root, it does NOT have all possible permissions.

> I have never seen locate.updatedb fail when run as root (3.0 to 5.0,
> actually), .. but, then, it isn't exactly 'failing', it just isn't
> indexing anything except "/home".

FWIW, I've never had a problem with locate since, oh, I think 2.6.  But the
point is, *IS* updatedb running as root?

> The only other possible hypothesis, is that it is running out of memory;
> one would expect some sort of error to be returned in that case and a
> blank database as a result, not one partially populated.

No, your logic is backward, as Philip has been gently pointing out.

So, to diagnose your problem (regardless of release -- this is diagnosing 101

1) Find out *EXACTLY* how updatedb is being called, and run it, except don't
redirect errors to /dev/null or files or such.  Check for error messages
and/or exit codes
2) Since updatedb is a *SHELL SCRIPT*, try running it with -x (this breaks 1),
of course).

If the above is not enough for you to figure it out, email me off list and
I'll help.  But I don't have a 4.3 machine handy (I have a 4.6 and a 4.7


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had a name of smime.p7s]

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