Hi all,

i still have some doubts about that github thing.
Or, to be more exactly, i just don't know.
But it turns out that the two repos only have three heads in common:
BOOTBLOCKS, BRIAN and graichen (from the 19-hundreds).

> On Fri, Nov 4, 2011 at 12:45 AM, Brett <brett.ma...@gmx.com> wrote:
> > Later on I guess I will get around to doing it via github.

Amit Kulkarni wrote:
> When you do git pull of github.com/openbsd it will give you some
> errors


    git ls-remote git://anoncvs.estpak.ee/openbsd-src |
        perl -e 'while (<STDIN>) { chomp; ($hash,$ref) = split; \
                 print"$ref $hash\n"; }' |
        sort > EE_REV; wc -l EE_REV

    git ls-remote git://github.com/openbsd/src.git |
        perl -e 'while (<STDIN>) { chomp; ($hash,$ref) = split; \
                 print"$ref $hash\n"; }' |
        sort > HO_REV; wc -l HO_REV

    cat EE_REV HO_REV |B sort |B uniq | wc -l


It was no secure transport in either case.


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