On Sun, Sep 11, 2011 at 7:56 AM, Tomas Bodzar <tomas.bod...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sun, Sep 11, 2011 at 1:12 PM, Jeffrey Walton <noloa...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> OpenBSD specific reading for installing GNOME is a bit hard to come
>> by, and README and INSTALL don't mention GNOME, so please forgive the
>> basic questions.
>> I think GNOME is either fully installed or partially installed (I'm
>> not sure if I hung in AddDelete.pl at Avahi*). I issued 'pkg_add
>> gnome-desktop gnome-session'. After reboot, a window manager does not
>> appear to start. 'startx' results in a desktop with wallpaper, and
>> nothing more (I find it less useful than an X session with a
>> terminal).
>> Concerned about a corrupt install of Avahi, I tried to reinstall with
>> 'pkg_add -D installed gnome-desktop gnome-session'.
>> I did come across http://www.techonia.com/install-gnome-openbsd. But I
>> don't believe the fellow writing told the full story (though he offers
>> screen shots). For example, he did not 'chmod +x .xinitrc', so I'm not
>> sure he stuff should even work.
> Following two years old post which is not official documentation for
> OpenBSD is at least weird.

>> Is anyone aware of a [comprehensive] GNOME HowTo for OpenBSD?
> You left off the most important part
> http://www.openbsd.org/report.html so we don't know which version are
> you running, which packages you have.
My original problems were with the latest - OpenBSD 4.9.

> What error messages you can see
> (if any) during startup of X/Gnome and so on. BTW if you're on current
> then there are no packages yet.
OK, I deleted 4.9 and installed 4.8. I saved the console messages and
started and started the gdm, avahi, and dbus daemon as instructed. No


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