Alec Taylor [] wrote:
> What's the project?
> I know about ~1000 open-source projects, so if you tell me the task it
> solves, I can give you a couple of open-source projects which
> implement the required feature-set.

yes, and in fact you can find many open source projects at  the 
discussion here was supporting an ancient microsoft application on an openbsd 
web server which a few of us are unfortunate enough to have experience with

frontpage server-side extensions basically gives you e-mail submission forms, 
counters, and basic discussion forums, obviously things that can be done any 
number of ways.  it also gives you the ability to log into the server from any 
machine with frontpage and get the same management features, but most of this 
could be done the same way with newer software that doesn't require server-side 

for the first 5 or 6 years after frontpage came out, it made things very easy 
for the average jane.  providers that supported it consistently were rewarded 
with loyal customers who would pay for this convenience.

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