I've been looking through the FAQs and some on the forums, and I've come up
with the conclusion that I'm not able to mount a linux ext4fs partition on
my OpenBSD 4.9 system due to the fact that ext4fs isn't supported
[allegedly].  I've even tried using MAKEDEV to rebuild the device /dev/wd1i
and /dev/rwd1i to no avail.  I still get the issue that a block device is
required.  Disklabel, of course, shows the partition as being there and
being ext2fs.

Anyway, if I'm correct in all of those assumptions, I guess what I'm
wondering is if there are any other utilities for [at least] reading an
ext4fs.  I've got several terrabytes of information that I'd really like to
at least be able to serve to the other machines on my network from this
machine.  If there are not, are there plans for adding this support in the
near future at all?

Thanks again!

-Damon Getsman

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