
I use Roundup Issue Tracker (www.roundup-tracker.org). It's not
exactly a bug-tracker (well bugs.python.org use it), but it's highly
and quite simply configurable (or more accurately modifiable by
On Tue, Jul 19, 2011 at 15:16 CEST
Johan Beisser <j...@caustic.org> wrote:

> To make it not suck:
> - easy to extend, modify, or add in plugins for new features (no
> patching, please)

Not everything, but quite many things can be changed by plugins
or modification of config files

> - simple database schema, no dumping required to upgrade

I don't even look at database, and did an upgrade couple of times ;-)

> - functional search

I wouldn't say it's flawless, but it works.

> - merging of tickets

Didn't ever try that

> - automatically scheduled repeating tickets (heh)

With external scripting it should be quite easy

> - ability to make API calls to the ticket software (i sometimes want
> to open/list/etc tickets remotely, without using the webt interface
> directly)

There is CLI admin tool and XML-RPC access

> You get the idea.

Try Roundup. For me the best thing is it's email gateway. I rarely look
at the web frontend - most things are easily accessible through e-mails
sent to Roundup.

Rafal Bisingier

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