On Wed, Jun 29, 2011 at 10:12:17AM +0200, Benny Lofgren wrote: | On 2011-06-29 09.37, Paul de Weerd wrote: | > The source of Apache 1.3 in the tree is about 8.5M. The full | > installation is about 3.7M (on amd64), you've saved 4.8M by not | > installing the source of Apache. In fact, the full tree weighs in at | > ~872M (excluding xenocara), so you save almost 870 megabyte with my | > suggested solution -- those 3.7 megabytes are peanuts. | | Not to encourage or discourage the OP either way, I don't think you | should assume that he's only got one system to play with. After all, | it is perfectly feasible to make install builds on one system and | installing them on another (or a thousand others).
Since OP did not mention any of this, and given the level of his question, I took the liberty to assume whatever I thought would be funny. It's even more feasible to take one CD set or a snapshot ISO and install it on thousands of machines, afterwards wielding the immense power of rm(1) via siteXX.tgz, puppet, or whatever means tickles your fancy (set it up right and you could even leave it in place on your webserver). At least it saves you the work of compiling your OS (which developers do for you). Pretty useful if you're not familiar enough with the system to answer basic questions like "should I be running a system without Apache and how can I make it so ?". Cheers, Paul 'WEiRD' de Weerd -- >++++++++[<++++++++++>-]<+++++++.>+++[<------>-]<.>+++[<+ +++++++++++>-]<.>++[<------------>-]<+.--------------.[-] http://www.weirdnet.nl/