I say go for it. File is: usr.sbin/Makefile
Code is: # $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.154 2011/02/09 17:17:47 jasper Exp $ .include <bsd.own.mk> SUBDIR= ac accton acpidump adduser amd apm apmd arp \ authpf bgpctl bgpd bind chroot config cron crunchgen dev_mkdb \ dhcpd dhcrelay dvmrpctl dvmrpd edquota eeprom faithd fdformat \ ftp-proxy gpioctl hostapd hotplugd *httpd* ifstated ikectl inetd It looks like inetd might build after httpd for configuration issues. For example, if you pulled 'chroot', you couldn't expect your apache install to be chrooted by default. If you try installing apache2 from ports later on, you might find some issues, but I'm not sure cause I'm a newbie too. If it doesn't fail to build, you don't ever plan on running a webserver and you're not on too strict a deadline, I'd go for it.