On 2011-05-24, Chris Wopat <m...@falz.net> wrote:
> On Tue, May 24, 2011 at 3:11 PM, Claudio Jeker <cje...@diehard.n-r-g.com> 
> wrote:
>> Are you running 4.9 or -current? Up until the code generating the LSA
>> update packets (and sending them) did not change between 4.8 and 4.9.
>> In -current this code got rewritten to fix a issue. IIRC the problem was
>> that an LS Update got so big that it did not fit into a MTU sized packet.
>> If my memory serves me right then the result was this kind of packet
>> storm.
>> You should try and compile a -current ospfd on your 4.9 system. I think it
>> should run without any problems.
> I'm running 4.9, not -current. I didn't see anything about people
> having this issue in the mailing lists.

If this is related to sending huge LS updates, I don't think many
people currently running ospfd would hit it (you'd need to be announcing
quite a lot of networks into ospf), so you probably wouldn't have read
about it on the lists.

>                                         I see that there was a patch
> applied only about 15 minutes ago to something else related to ospfd,
> I'm not sure what new issues will occur if I go to -current here since
> this box is in production.

You have a confirmed issue now, so -current isn't likely to make things
worse. (With daemons like this I'm usually happier running -current in
production than older code).

> * Can a reliability fix errata be created for this?

If compiling -current ospfd on your system fixes the problem, it
might be worth picking out the relevant commits and applying them
to -stable but that is more risky than just running -current ospfd.

> * Is the same bug in ospf6d?

It looks like this probably is the case.

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