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Sent wirelessly from my BlackBerry device on the Bell network.

Envoyi sans fil par mon terminal mobile BlackBerry sur le riseau de Bell.

-----Original Message-----

From: Dale Scott <dalesc...@shaw.ca>

Date: Sun, 01 May 2011 15:48:12 

To: Fred Crowson<fred.crow...@gmail.com>

Subject: Re: problems configuring wireless adapter on ThinkPad T-23

Hi Fred, thanks for helping. 

> What happens when you do an ifconfig rtw0 scan?

> Do you see your access point?

It looks like I see my access point, as well as one neighbor's (see below). 
Fyi, I went through config for both wired and wireless interfaces when I 
installed OpenBSD 4.8, but didn't know how to specify the WEP key for rtw0. Is 
it possible to config both fxp0 and rtw0 simultaneously? I typically use a 
wired connection in my study (convenience and because Wireless signal level is 
low), but use wireless everywhere else.

# ifconfig rtw0 scan


        lladdr 00:09:5b:e2:15:2b

        priority: 4

        groups: wlan

        media: IEEE802.11 autoselect (DS1 mode 11b)

        status: no network

        ieee80211: nwid sundancer chan6 bssid 00:13:46:fa:9b:56 127dB nwkey 

                nwid sundancer chan 6 bssid 00:13:46:fa:9b:56 127dB 54M 

                lladdr 00:23:7d:05:94:69 127dB 11M ibss cache

                nwid TELUS3645 chan 1 bssid 00:26:88:e7:e9:30 126dB 54M 



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