New stuff has been added. Thanks to those who provided me information on the Plextor PX-716A, the RouterBoard rb44, the Zonet ZEW2500p, and the SysKonnect SK-98xx series.
A problem with Internet Explorer (naw, really?) that was reported to me as preventing comments from being added has been fixed, so now comments should work from IE as well. (Of course, Microsoft makes liars of us all at times.) For those who didn't know, the MetaStore is at the following link: PROVIDE INFORMATION! Any piece of kit that you know works under some version of OpenBSD and can be purchased as new is fair game, and every bit of information you provide helps! In the two weeks this has been up, there have been 1200 views of the page. Further, 97 links have been clicked through to a dealer purchase page. That isn't bad. While there is no way for anyone to identify how many actual purchases are made, nor what trend might obtain in the future, it is an interesting statistic nonetheless. I think this experiment might actually work, but we'll see what happens. Again, thanks to all contributors, and please, continue sending information! -- (c) 2005 Unscathed Haze via Central Plexus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> I am Chaos. I am alive, and I tell you that you are Free. -Eris Big Brother is watching you. Learn to become Invisible. |-------- Your message must be this wide to ride the Internet. --------|