matt valdes wrote:

$ telnet 80
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.

Try a traceroute or tcptraceroute

Nah, he's probably bouncing off my router.  While I don't think he's
running afoul of my OpenBSD pf-friendly auto-retrieval and aggregator
for netblocks by country (, if anybody cares),
in that I don't specifically block .ph, he may be running afoul of my
SSH-scanner "Special Kids" table.  There are lots of ways to piss me off
and have me not listen to you anymore, that's one of them.  I doubt that
he specifically did it, though.  >;->

(c) 2005 Unscathed Haze via Central Plexus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
I am Chaos.  I am alive, and I tell you that you are Free.  -Eris
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