> One that I worked with a while back and kinda like for some reasons is > OpenWebMail. The big plus was that it worked with sendmail directly -- > didn't need to learn a new mail system. A few OpenWebMail notes: > > > 2) Not too processor intensive, but memory hungry.
It depends on the number of users. For >100 users, without any memory problem, we had a huge performance improvement after changing to SpeedyCGI. > > 3) Users seemed to find it pretty usable. Not exactly loaded with > features, but works. It's one of the few that integrates very good with ldap. We only had to write something to sync addressbook with ldap. > 6) The port may have some permissions issues. I figured it out, but > didn't have time to do it again and take notes this time to help get it > fixed. I have all after port installation fixes, I'd like to post the patch at port@ when I have time. > Definitely an app with quirks...but if you are comfy with sendmail now > and don't want to spend a lot of time learning a new mail handler, this > might be worth a look-at. It works very good with qmail-ldap. Only issue was vacation.pl with remote smtp servers, but a small sync script solved it also. "Este correo electrsnico y la informacisn contenida en el mismo es de caracter confidencial y esta sometida al secreto profesional, dirigiindose exclusivamente al destinatario mencionado en el encabezamiento, cuyos datos forman parte de un fichero responsabilidad del GRUPO CARRERAS y cuya finalidad es contactar con el titular de los datos a travis del correo electrsnico. Le informamos que cuenta con los derechos de acceso, rectificacisn y cancelacisn, que podra ejercitar mediante el envmo de un e- mail a la siguiente direccion: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Si el receptor de la comunicacisn no fuera el destinatario, le informamos que cualquier divulgacisn, copia, distribucisn o utilizacisn no autorizada de la informacisn contenida en la misma esta prohibida por la legislacisn vigente." http://www.grupocarreras.com ____________________________________________________________________________