Hi !

Try http://www.uebimiau.org/


2005/10/4, Jason Dixon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On Oct 1, 2005, at 6:34 PM, Chris wrote:
> > I want to setup a OBSD box for my email server.  It will service
> > probably about 2 dozen people, but It could conceivably double or more
> > over the next year or two.
> >
> > I was wondering if anyone had any recommendations for an mta, and
> > for a
> > webmail program that is easy to use and fully featured for users
> > who are
> > not so computer savvy.
> >
> > I am pretty comfortable with Sendmail, but I hear a lot of people are
> > moving more toward postfix (which I know nothing about).
> >
> > I am at a loss for a good web interface.
> >
> > Anyone care to make any recommendations?
> Everyone has their own favorite MTA;  mine happens to be Postfix.  I
> use Squirrelmail on one server, it's fine for basic webmail and you
> can't beat the easy installation.  For users that want a "prettier"
> interface, Horde/IMP works quite well, even in the OpenBSD httpd
> chroot.  I no longer run the ports version, installing manually from
> source is no less difficult and allows you to keep up with the more
> current releases.  I also happen to use Turba (address book),
> Kronolith (shared calendar), Nag (shared tasklists), and Whups
> (ticket system).  I've encountered some small issues with Kronolith,
> everything else seems production-ready.
> --
> Jason Dixon
> DixonGroup Consulting
> http://www.dixongroup.net

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