On 10/01, Chris wrote:
> Hello
> I want to setup a OBSD box for my email server.  It will service
> probably about 2 dozen people, but It could conceivably double or more
> over the next year or two.
> I was wondering if anyone had any recommendations for an mta, and for a
> webmail program that is easy to use and fully featured for users who are
> not so computer savvy.
> I am pretty comfortable with Sendmail, but I hear a lot of people are
> moving more toward postfix (which I know nothing about).
> I am at a loss for a good web interface.
> Anyone care to make any recommendations?
> Thank you.
> Chris


My personal favorite is: postfix + courier-imap + sqwebmail.
(You will need maildrop too between postfix and courier-imap.)
SqWebMail is a simple cgi written in c++ so it is really fast.



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