I can confirm this behaviour.  But, I can still mount
and use the partition.  I'm using 3.7.

What I get is:

1) say /mnt/ms/ directory contains 1, 2, 3 directories
with a bunch of stuff in them.

2) cd /mnt/ms/; mkdir 4; mv * 4

3) cd 4

4) ls and 1, 2, 3 gets listed.

But, if I cd into any of these directories I get:
ls: .: No such file or directory

Still able to mount it and everything.  And the
filesystem still tells me the space is used.  Just
can't see any of it.

I was waiting till I was able to form a proper report
(ie upgrade to 3.8 at least) on this, but since we're
talking about it already thought I'd add in my

best regards,
Reid Nichol

--- Andreas Bihlmaier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I don't want to heat up this discussion even
> further, BUT
> mount a FAT32 partition somewhere and
> "cp /some_folder /mnt/fat"
> There should be files (the more the better) in the
> directory (they should NOT be
> empty).
> Now use "cmp" or "diff" to compare the directories.
> Everything still correct ?
> Good because it should be!
> BUT NOW move that directory INSIDE the FAT32
> Partition, something a long the
> lines of
> "mkdir -p /mnt/fat/foo/bar/foobar/"
> "mv /mnt/fat/some_folder/ /mnt/fat/foo/bar/foobar/"
> NOW use diff again. Should be hosed up like hell.
> At least that is what I get/got 1 week ago on i386
> AND amd64.
> With a 1 week old snapshot.
> Had the same issue with 3.7 stable.
> Don't have a FAT parition anymore since!
> Was this information helpful ? try to reproduce it.
> Greetz,
> ahb

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