> Guys > > Thanks for taking the trouble to send something more concrete about > how to reproduce the problem. > > I have found the bug, and just committed the fix. The next snapshots > will have it in, so please test, and help us make sure there are no > side effects! > Thank you so much! Hosing (seemingly) supported file systems is really something that can turn you into a wild boar...
I will definitly download the next snapshot ASAP! >From my point of view I can understand why people rather send their bugs to >misc rather than use sendbug. It is the response or feedback they want to get before submitting plain out dumb bug reports. Most of the time (that is NOT only for OpenBSD) they are right to do that because it is THEIR fault. I want to submit a bug report since quite a while about my onboard skc card not being detected correctly (getting attached and detached right after that in dmesg). (no I don't want to high jack this thread, just an example) On the other hand I really love OpenBSD and don't want to "blame" developers for unsupported hardware. Now what should I do about my network card? Send describtion of problem 1.) to misc@ ? 2.) use sendbug ? 3.) to tech@ ? This is a thing in general not being clear to me. Regards, ahb