Making, drinking tea and reading an opus magnum from Roy Morris:
[Charset ISO-8859-1 unsupported, filtering to ASCII...]
> I know this is not 'exactly' openbsd directly related but
> I'll give it a go anyway. I am trying to copy remote 2
> remote, basically to change the name of a file. It appears
> that the first half of the command works fine but the
> second half get an authentication failure. I am not sure
> if this was by design or if I am doing something WAY
> wrong.  If anyone has time, lemme know.
> *Assume the first file already exists and permissions are fine*
> scp [EMAIL PROTECTED]:original-file-name [EMAIL PROTECTED]:new-file-name
> authlog entries are as follows:
> Sep  8 10:10:55 spider sshd[32009]: Accepted password for rmorris from 
> xx.0.xx.33 port 16301 ssh2
> Sep  8 10:10:57 spider sshd[23066]: Failed password for rmorris from 
> xx.0xx.33 port 22851 ssh2

i think the idea is that src-host has to have pubkey auth to
the dst-host and make sure src knows dst's hostkey too!


    paranoic mickey       (my employers have changed but, the name has remained)

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