Roy Morris wrote:
I know this is not 'exactly' openbsd directly related but
I'll give it a go anyway. I am trying to copy remote 2
remote, basically to change the name of a file. It appears
that the first half of the command works fine but the
second half get an authentication failure. I am not sure
if this was by design or if I am doing something WAY
wrong. If anyone has time, lemme know.
*Assume the first file already exists and permissions are fine*
scp [EMAIL PROTECTED]:original-file-name [EMAIL PROTECTED]:new-file-name
authlog entries are as follows:
Sep 8 10:10:55 spider sshd[32009]: Accepted password for rmorris from
xx.0.xx.33 port 16301 ssh2
Sep 8 10:10:57 spider sshd[23066]: Failed password for rmorris from
xx.0xx.33 port 22851 ssh2
Hi Roy,
I guess scp is working different from what you expect
in this case. If you scp from remote to remote, it tries
to directly scp from one remote to the other.
This means you have to authenticate your ssh session from
[EMAIL PROTECTED] to [EMAIL PROTECTED], additionally to authenticating
yourself when you contact somehost from where you are.
I cant' find this exactly in your authlog (there is a typo
anyway), but this is what happened to me when I did
something like:
host1$ scp host2:file host3:
ssh [EMAIL PROTECTED] mv original-file-name new-file-name should
work anyway.
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