I have had the same thing happen...and renenabling smart has fixed it. The
resulting problem is that a reboot will make the drive forget it was
enabled and you'll have to do it again. I haven't figure out what that
means yet ;) Anyone know ????
Allie Daneman

On Fri, August 26, 2005 10:04, Josh Tolley wrote:
> One of my cronjobs, as suggested in the atactl manpage, is the
> following, designed to email me if my soekris gets disk errors (it's a
> disk-based install, not a flash-based one).
> 0 * * * * /sbin/atactl /dev/wd0c smartstatus > /dev/null
> Typically, and as expected, this doesn't end up sending me anything.
> However this morning I got this in my inbox:
> atactl: ATA command timed out
> How worried should I be about this? I've run the same command again
> today, without it reporting any errors, and this is the first error of
> this kind I've seen. Google and archives didn't help much, and I'm not
> a disk guru. Thanks in advance.
> -Josh

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