> I have had the same thing happen...and renenabling smart has fixed it. The
> resulting problem is that a reboot will make the drive forget it was
> enabled and you'll have to do it again. I haven't figure out what that
> means yet ;) Anyone know ????
> --
> Allie Daneman
> Allnix,LLC.
> http://www.allnix.net
> On Fri, August 26, 2005 10:04, Josh Tolley wrote:
> > One of my cronjobs, as suggested in the atactl manpage, is the
> > following, designed to email me if my soekris gets disk errors (it's a
> > disk-based install, not a flash-based one).
> >
> > 0 * * * * /sbin/atactl /dev/wd0c smartstatus > /dev/null
> >
> > Typically, and as expected, this doesn't end up sending me anything.
> > However this morning I got this in my inbox:
> >
> > atactl: ATA command timed out
> >
> > How worried should I be about this? I've run the same command again
> > today, without it reporting any errors, and this is the first error of
> > this kind I've seen. Google and archives didn't help much, and I'm not
> > a disk guru. Thanks in advance.
> >
> > -Josh

"Re"-enabling SMART?  That's odd... it's already enabled, even after
the error reported this morning...

# atactl /dev/wd0c identify
Model: TOSHIBA MK3021GAS, Rev: GA124A, Serial #: 846E5279T
Device type: ATA, fixed
Cylinders: 16383, heads: 16, sec/track: 63, total sectors: 58605120
Device capabilities:
        ATA standby timer values
        IORDY operation
        IORDY disabling
Device supports the following standards:
Master password revision code 0xfffe
Device supports the following command sets:
        NOP command
        READ BUFFER command
        WRITE BUFFER command
        Host Protected Area feature set
        Read look-ahead
        Write cache
        Power Management feature set
        Security Mode feature set
        SMART feature set
        Flush Cache command
        Device Configuration Overlay feature set
        Set Max security extension commands
        Advanced Power Management feature set
        SMART self-test
        SMART error logging
Device has enabled the following command sets/features:
        NOP command
        READ BUFFER command
        WRITE BUFFER command
        Host Protected Area feature set
        Read look-ahead
        Write cache
        Power Management feature set
        SMART feature set
        Flush Cache command
        Device Configuration Overlay feature set
        Advanced Power Management feature set

That being said, I also haven't seen the error show up again.

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