I am running OpenBGPd on a couple routers. On my production systems
I am using the most basic bgpd.conf with all the default RFC1918
deny's and nothing more complex than that. Testing some more complex
filters on another router causes openbgpd to crash on reload.
All rules pass: /usr/sbin/bgpd -n
Here is one such rule:
# prepend TWTC AS4323 twice to all incoming UPDATEs from peer.
match from group TWTC set prepend-neighbor 2
I've only tested attribute setting using MATCH filters however I've
caused crashes with more than just prepend-neighbor. Also prepend-
self and weight.
rtr1:~>bgpctl reload
Aug 8 15:12:36 rtr1 bgpd[14014]: Lost child: route decision engine
terminated; signal 11
Aug 8 15:12:36 rtr1 bgpd[14014]: Lost child: route decision engine
terminated; signal 11
Aug 8 15:12:36 rtr1 bgpd[23683]: fatal in SE: session_dispatch_imsg:
pipe closed: Operation now in progress
Aug 8 15:12:36 rtr1 bgpd[23683]: fatal in SE: session_dispatch_imsg:
pipe closed: Operation now in progress
rtr1:~>bgpctl s s
bgpctl: connect: /var/run/bgpd.sock: No such file or directory
rtr1:~>uname -a
OpenBSD rtr1 3.7 GENERIC#50 i386
rtr1:~>rdate time.nist.gov && date
Mon Aug 8 15:18:37 EDT 2005
Mon Aug 8 15:18:37 EDT 2005
What information can I provide to help debug this?