On Mon, Aug 08, 2005 at 12:20:43PM -0700, David Ulevitch wrote:
> Misc,
> I am running OpenBGPd on a couple routers.  On my production systems  
> I am using the most basic bgpd.conf with all the default RFC1918  
> deny's and nothing more complex than that.  Testing some more complex  
> filters on another router causes openbgpd to crash on reload.
> All rules pass: /usr/sbin/bgpd -n
> Here is one such rule:
>     # prepend TWTC AS4323 twice to all incoming UPDATEs from peer.
>     match from group TWTC set prepend-neighbor 2
> I've only tested attribute setting using MATCH filters however I've  
> caused crashes with more than just prepend-neighbor.  Also prepend- 
> self and weight.

Please send me a pre and post config that results in the crash.

:wq Claudio

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