According to
the current estimated EOL for 4.11 is January 31, 2007
That said, since you think IPF is causing problems, have your tried
disabling IPF and running either ipfilter or PF (or doing the filtering on
a dedicated firewall box)?
--On Tuesday, June 28, 2005 15:10:16 -0400 Matt Juszczak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
What's wrong with FreeBSD 4.11? You said it's stable for you. OpenBSD is
going to be a big change for you on short notice with little testing.
Everyone says the 4.x branch is much more stable than the 5.x branch
It is, but its unsupported. If I go back to 4.11, within 6 months I
would have to go back to 5.x anyway. I'd rather not waste time doing