On Jun 28 02:45 PM, Matt Juszczak wrote:
> >Either, I think in general SMP is tough to get stable. People with
> >more experience will hopefully reply and explain in more detail. For
> >now I, personally, would disable smp on freebsd just to keep it
> >stable.
> I just dont know if this will keep it stable or not.  Others are reporting 
> that the bug is in ttwakeup and the other is that its a bug in IPF, which 
> I currently use....
> Thats why I'm at a dilemma right now.  Do I keep things as they are, turn 
> SMP off on FreeBSD 5.4, and risk problems in the future?  Or do I switch 
> to OpenBSD now, hope it works, and have a stable solution while FreeBSD 
> becomes more stable.

What's wrong with FreeBSD 4.11? You said it's stable for you. OpenBSD is
going to be a big change for you on short notice with little testing.
Everyone says the 4.x branch is much more stable than the 5.x branch


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