Thanks for the reply.

I'm not sure I understand what you mean with the discrepancy "between the
start of the BSD partition and the OpenBSD block".

fdisk shows the A6 partition starting at 1828160.  I chose to put the swap
disklabel at 1828160 with a size of 409584 and a: at 2237744
(1828160+409584) with a size of 5761744.  Are you saying the a: disklabel
needs to be the first in the A6 partition (at 1828160)?

If this is what you meant, I will it a shot...........

.......I just gave it a shot.  Problem solved!  Thank you!

Maybe it wasn't stated in the instructions (or maybe I glazed over it),
but it appears that the a: disklabel needs to be the first one in the A6



> On Mon, Jun 27, 2005 at 03:10:12PM -0700, Patrick Heim wrote:
>> I tried sending this to the [EMAIL PROTECTED] list but got no response, so
>> let me try misc.
>> The install of the OS and core packages completes just fine.  I am
>> pretty
>> sure that fdisk and disklabel configs are correct. Boot behaves very
>> strangely in that it doesn't appear to see hd0a at all and can't find
>> the
>> kernel /bsd (or anyhting else...).
>> When I boot to bsd.rd using the puffy icon under Linux and shell out, I
>> can mount /dev/wd0a and I can see that everything installed just find
>> and
>> can verify that /bsd exists.
>> Since I originally sent the message below, I have tried a complete clean
>> install by deleting the old bsd partition on the disk and removing the
>> OpenBSD IPK.  I also used the latest snapshot as of today.  The problem
>> remains constant and annoying.
>> I *really* would appreciate some insight into fixing this.
>> Thanks,
>> Patrick
>> Subject: Re: OpenBSD Zaurus - Installed but fails to boot
>> From:    "Patrick Heim" <PatrickHeim at>
>> Date:    Sat, June 25, 2005 7:16 pm
>> To:      PatrickHeim at
>> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> I've re-read the documents and tried various tweaks in fdisk and
>> disklabel
>> and can't figure out how to get openbsd to boot.  Below is the output
>> from
>> fdisk, dislabel, and the boot process.
>> The only deviation from the normal network install is that I am pulling
>> the packages from a BSD formatted compact flash disk (wd1c) rather than
>> a
>> network interface.
>> Thanks for the help.
>> Cheers,
>> Patrick
>> fdisk info:
>> -----------
>> Disk: wd0       geometry: 1024/8/17 [7999488 Sectors]
>> Offset: 0       Signature: 0xAA55
>>          Starting      Ending      LBA Info:
>>  #: id     C  H  S -    C   H S  [        start:      size  ]
>> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>  0: 83     0  3 13 - 1511   7 17 [          63:      205569 ] Linux
>> files*
>> 1: 83  1512  0  1 - 7559   7 17 [      205632:      822528 ] Linux
>> files*
>> 2: 0C  7560  0  1 - 13442  2 14 [     1028160:      800000 ] Win95
>> FAT32L
>> *3: A6 12442  4 11 - 58820  3 10 [     1828160:     6171391 ] OpenBSD
>> fdisk: /using/mdec/mbr: No such file of directory
>> fdisk: using builtin MBR
>> disklabel info:
>> ---------------
>> device: /dev/rwd0c
>> type: ST506
>> disk: ST506/MFM/RLL
>> label: ST506
>> bytes/sector: 512
>> sectors/track: 17
>> tracks/cylinder: 8
>> sectors/cylinder: 136
>> cylinders: 1024
>> total sectors: 7999488
>> free sectors: 63
>> rpm: 3600
>> 16 partitions:
>> #             size      offset  fstype [fsize bsize  cpg]
>>   a:       5761744     2237744  4.2BSD   2048 16384 1364
>>   b:        409584     1828160    swap
>>   c:       7999488           0  unused      0     0
>>   i:        205569          63  ext2fs
>>   j:        822528      205632  ext2fs
>>   k:        800000     1028160   MSDOS
> Sorry,  been very busy lately and not been keeping up on things.
> It appears that you have some discrepancy between the start
> of you BSD partition and the OpenBSD block on the MBR
>> *3: A6 12442  4 11 - 58820  3 10 [     1828160:     6171391 ] OpenBSD
>>   a:       5761744     2237744  4.2BSD   2048 16384 1364
> Mine is slightly different:
> ---
>  #: id    C   H  S -    C   H  S [       start:      size   ]
>  3: A6 9065   7  2 - 58819   6  2 [     1232960:     6766528 ] OpenBSD
> ---
> #             size        offset  fstype [fsize bsize  cpg]
>   a:       6635456       1232960  4.2BSD   2048 16384 1364 # Cyl  9065*-
> 57855
> ---
> However, notice that the offset of the a parittion and the start of the
> mbr
> entry is the same value.
> Try repartitioning with disklabel so those values are the same, reinstall
> and try again.
> Dale Rahn                             [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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