At 04:40 PM 6/26/2005, Jason Crawford wrote:
What about trying listen on *? And are you mabye running pf with
block-policy return? There are a bunch of reasons why connections
might be reset. If listen on * still doesn't work, maybe think about
filing some sort of bug report, or posting more to the list to get the
problem solved, because OpenNTPd should work just fine, does for me.
My entire network (including my XP machines) sync against OpenNTPd
running on current just fine.
that seemed to do it. I set the listen to "*" and now things are good.
Odd perhaps, but thanks alot for the tip...
J.D. Bronson
Information Services - Telecom
Aurora Health Care - Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Office: 414.978.8282 // Fax: 414.314.8787