On 6/26/05, J.D. Bronson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> At 04:40 PM 6/26/2005, Jason Crawford wrote:
> >What about trying listen on *? And are you mabye running pf with
> >block-policy return? There are a bunch of reasons why connections
> >might be reset. If listen on * still doesn't work, maybe think about
> >filing some sort of bug report, or posting more to the list to get the
> >problem solved, because OpenNTPd should work just fine, does for me.
> >My entire network (including my XP machines) sync against OpenNTPd
> >running on current just fine.
> >
> >Jason
> that seemed to do it. I set the listen to "*" and now things are good.
> Odd perhaps, but thanks alot for the tip...

That is odd, that it only worked with *. It should work properly if
you specify an individual address. If I get enough free time at some
point this week, I might try to reproduce this, but sunday nights are
not ment for such things.


> --
> J.D. Bronson
> Information Services - Telecom
> Aurora Health Care - Milwaukee, Wisconsin
> Office: 414.978.8282 // Fax: 414.314.8787

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