Diana Eichert wrote:
On Wed, 1 Jun 2005, Anthony Roberts wrote:
The 'dd' way is good enough unless someone is willing to to tear the
drive apart in a lab.
Items required for "sure fire" disk cleaning methodology.
qty. 1 hard drive to clean
qty. 1 high velocity military rifle
I usually use a .223 round, but other parts of the world may prefer
.308(7.62x51) or 7.62x54.
qty. what number of rounds you feel like of previously described firearm
place drive in front of dirt embankment
position yourself ~100'/30M (you want to get some practice in don't
you?)from the target, hrrrm, drive.
begin target practice, hrrrm, drive cleaning, until drive is thoroughly
destroyed, hrrrm, cleaned.
retrieve spent brass ( you do reload don't you?), hrrrm, drive cleaning
(this next step is optional depending on how environmentally conscious you
pick up remains of target, hrrrm, cleaned hard drive and dispose of
remember, always thoroughly clean your firearm, hrrrm, drive cleaning tool
after use.
there, that should do it
Nick, I'm beginning to think the addition to the FAQ archived at
might be a good idea. Though I have to admit, Diana has a very
interesting (and probably very fun) alternative :)