> I'm interested in doing some work to update libpcap in the base install up to
> the current version (0.8.3), or at least up to 0.6. It turns out that newer
> versions of tcpreplay (which have cool features like the ability to split 
> packet
> captures across multiple interfaces when replaying them, etc.) require at 
> least
> 0.6, and OBSD 3.7 ships with a slightly modified 0.5.

The underlying issue is that we don't trust the new tcpdump/libpcap
guys.  The only way our libpcap will get updated is in small diffs
(probabaly about ten of them) that each upgrade one small part.  I
started doing this at the hackathon this week (I really want the
tcp-flags feature in the filter language) but couldn't get the diffs
small enough for review.


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