Sorry folks!

I think my question was explicited completely wrong.

Suppose a process tries to printf a log message and at the time the
process attained to the other end is not ready to read (the processes
are connect by mean of a pipe, ex:

$ a | b &

Question: process a's attempt to write will return EAGAIN/EWOULDBLOCK
or it would block?

I mean, is stdio ready to handle that cases when the standar fd
(0,1,2) was opened O_NONBLOCK?


On 5/25/05, Ted Unangst <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Wed, 25 May 2005, Gustavo Rios wrote:
> > Would it be irrational to have it block ?
> yes.
> --
> someone's writing down your mistakes
> someone's documenting your downfall

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